Clubs & community
Toastmasters returns to hybrid

By Helensburgh and District Toastmasters VP Public Relations, Matthew Derbridge

Toastmasters International is a supportive organisation with a promise of “empowering individuals through personal and professional development” to “develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth” – our mission.

After months of online meetings, with restrictions easing we can return to hybrid meetings. We can now sit around a table, stand up and speak freely to both an in-person and virtual audience. We can rehearse dinner speeches or work presentations, recite poetry or give a pitch; it will be beneficial to be able to stand up and present face-to-face rather than to a virtual audience alone.

As we are keeping the online aspect, we are keeping our borders open to those who are anywhere in the world. If you have a friend across the LGA border or overseas, they are invited to attend. We meet twice a month on the second and fourth Monday at 7pm AEST. Meetings run for about two hours. If you don’t wish to appear via the internet, you can join the meeting by phone.

Our first post-lockdown in-person meeting, at the Cupbearer in Helensburgh, will be on 13 December. It will be our Christmas get-together.

New members are always welcomed. The first two meetings are free of charge. After that, you will be invited to join our Club, and be entitled to earn valuable speaking qualifications. 

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