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Discover what Scouts is all about

Want your son or daughter to learn life skills, make friends and go on adventures? The Scouts have you covered. 

We asked Bruce Crawley, of 1st Helensburgh Scout Group, about the essence of Scouting – having fun, outdoor adventure and a strong sense of community.


How often does the club meet?

Each age group meets for between 1hr and 2hrs every week during school term time. We do have the occasional weekend getaway and activities outside of the regular weekly meeting as well.

When does each year program start? Or can you join whenever you wish?

Members can start at any time they wish throughout the year. We have found through experience that towards the start of each term is easier than starting right at the end of term.


Why would you recommend parents enrol their kids? 

There are so many reasons, where to start? It offers such a diverse range of opportunities for the kids to do things they wouldn't normally get to do. There are the usual skills and activities associated with Scouts such as knots, camping and hiking but there really is so much more. In terms of activities, they can go abseiling, caving, snorkelling, kayaking, cycling, skiing, robotics, stage performance and more. It all depends on how much time and energy they have (and how much time we as leaders have). Beyond the activities and physical opportunities the members are offered there is a wealth of character-building opportunities as well.

What are some of the skills the Scout program teaches kids about life and community?

The way that the core values and program are structured encourages each member to develop social skills, confidence in themselves, leadership skills, independence, responsibility and a strong sense of helping others and the community they are a part of.


Who runs the program? 

Scout groups are purely run by volunteers from the local community and parents of members. Each volunteer leader within a group undertakes a thorough (and accredited) training program to provide them with the background and skills required to perform their duties safely and with the wellbeing of our youth members foremost in mind.

And as the youth members progress throughout their journey, they themselves also take on a more active role in planning and running the programs through a youth-led and adult-supported philosophy.

Can you join any group or does it need to be your local Scout group?

Families can choose to join any group they wish. We much prefer that the kids become involved wherever and whenever they are most comfortable, so that they can enjoy their experience. I know of some families in our area that have joined the Austinmer and Bulli groups because of existing friend and school connections.

What opportunities do you have for community involvement?

One of the core values of the Scouting movement is community involvement and awareness. Through our weekly program we encourage our members to be aware of what is available around them, the area they live in and the services being provided by other organisations. Conversely, if there are any community organisations that might wish to meet up with one of our age groups and share with them some of what they do or have them participate in an activity, we are open and welcome to those opportunities.

How many kids are in each age group?

  • Joeys (ages 6-8) currently have around eight, which is a reasonable number to have for that age group but there is room for more.
  • Cubs (ages 8-11) are operating at the full capacity of our current volunteer capabilities with around 34 active members, some of whom will be transitioning to the older age group next year and will free up some spaces.
  • Scouts (ages 11-15) currently have around 16 members and have some capacity for a few more before requiring additional volunteer assistance.
  • Venturer (ages 15-18) are not currently operating but if we can find some more volunteers to assist with this age group or even the Scout age group then we would like to open this up again before the end of 2023.

How many do you need to keep going?

In order to keep a running group interesting for the members we generally look for a minimum of around 10 members in each age group but we have managed to run a functioning group with far fewer than that from time to time.

At the other end, we find that once the numbers grow to over 20, then additional volunteers are required to maintain an element of safety and coordination of activities. If that can be achieved then there are groups operating with 40 or more members in each age group.

Can you tell readers about 1st Helensburgh Scout Group's history?

The first notes we have of a group in Helensburgh go all the way back to around 1914, when the Anglican minister founded a troop at the school/church hall. There is a record somewhere of the group being formally registered in 1916 after the initial trial run. It seemed to have maintained popularity as a dedicated hall and was then built around 1938 further up the road in its current location and the current building was constructed in the early 1980s. 


How many members do you have?

We have between 55 and 60 youth members in the group presently.

Have numbers fluctuated much in the past years? 

Over the past few years 1st Helensburgh has managed to maintain and even increase our membership, bucking the trend seen in some other groups. We hope that local families recognise the importance of strong social connections combined with getting some time outdoors can have not only for themselves but for the younger members of the family.

To learn more about 1st Helensburgh Scout Group or your local Scout Group, visit the website

Find out more about local Scouting adventures – read Honour for Austi Scout