© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
1 min read
See Wollongong library’s ‘Illawarra Families’ photographic exhibition

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Wollongong City Libraries latest photographic exhibition, Illawarra Families, depicts families in the area over time, from the formal studio photographs of people in their finest frills and hats to informal snaps of families who have worked, volunteered, played sport and played music together.

Waves of migration have brought families from many cultural backgrounds. You can see the Illawarra Families exhibition on display from August at Wollongong Library and online at https://illawarrastories.com.au/exhibitions/

There will also be fun, ‘look through’ historic images of families at each of the council’s libraries where you can put your face in a picture of the past and take a new snap.

If you would like to find out more about your family history, the Illawarra Family History Group volunteers are available on level one of Wollongong Library every Wednesday and Friday morning from 9.30am to 12 noon.

For Family History month, the group are holding workshops at Wollongong Library to help people trace their family history in the local area and beyond.

The first workshop is an in-depth look at searching land titles, from 10am-12 noon on 1 August, following a well-received introductory look at finding more about your house earlier in the year.

On Saturday, 19 August from 10am-12 noon at Wollongong Library, join the Illawarra Family History Group for a workshop to jump start your family history journey.

The group meets on the third Saturday of the month, 2-4pm. This family history workshop will precede the regular meeting – all are welcome to stay and learn more.

For info & bookings, visit www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au/library/whats-on

All photos from the Collections of Wollongong City Libraries.