© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
1 min read
Scooting along with the Shed

Although we are Helensburgh Men’s Shed, and have been serving our community since 2016, we often carry out projects for people outside the Burgh. We recently made a new ‘scooter-board’ (sounds good with an American accent) for Family Connections in Bangor.

Caitlin, a local lass, works there and got the Shed involved in creating this important paediatric physio equipment. One of our new members, Stephen (Wood Wizard) Dodd, created the scooter-board (remember the accent – come on) with help from other shedders. Here he is with a happy Kirsten, ready to receive a young child to scoot on up – and down.

We were happy to be visited by newly elected Heathcote MP Maryanne Stuart, a great shed supporter, and we shared some of our stories of men’s health improvements at the Shed, and our on-going search for land on which to build our own facility to share with the community.

And we got together with Federal Member for Cunningham, Alison Byrnes, at one of her pop-up meetings in Charles Harper Park, where she showed great interest in the Burgh and in how things were progressing in our village.

At the Shed, we reached a great milestone; twenty men on a Monday! New members and experienced shedders, new jokes and stories, working on meaningful and interesting jobs and chatting shoulder-to-shoulder. Great fun.

Helensburgh Men’s Shed – Serving the 2508 Community since 2016. For news and information, call us or visit our website helensburghmensshed.org.au or  info@helensburghmensshed.org.au

199A Parkes Street Helensburgh 9-3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Shed Mobile: 0478897485