Clubs & community
Neighbourhood Forum 1 report on October meeting

By Neighbourhood Forum 1 convenor Warwick Erwin

We are seeing a lot of disrespect for our community.

Wollongong City Council vision, developed by the Council and the Wollongong Community and endorsed by the 13 Councillors, is: "From the mountains to the sea, we value and protect our natural environment and will be leaders in building an educated, creative, sustainable and connected community."

With goal 4 of its 6 goals, Council is supposed to be focused on engagement: “We are a connected and ENGAGED community”

Flooding of Coles Supermarket

Council staff member’s response to a resident’s flooding inquiry was that the floor of the supermarket is too low and Council won’t be taking action. Residents believe it is Council’s lack of stormwater drainage design that is causing the flooding of Coles. There was no issue before Council reconstructed the drainage/curb out the front.

Pedestrian crossings in Walker St

A qualified local resident has measured the crossings and found neither meet Council’s own standard, let alone Australian standards.

Blocked off parking when no Council workers turn up for the day

Traffic controllers are blocking off parking between the pedestrian crossing and Parkes St for the day, then no one turns up to work on the Western Terrace phase of the Town Centre Plan. Simple fix: no workers by 8am, remove the blocking.

Timber Railing on the Steps in Walker St

How long does it take to get a metal railing custom made? Should have been in the project schedule.

Town Centre Plan Phase 3

Three years behind schedule and no design update.

Existing Community Centre

Council blocked drainage from under the hall causing water damage. Floors were to be replaced, then mould throughout triggered a demolition requirement. NF1 was told demolition was to be 12 months ago; the health hazard is still standing.

Otford Replacement Causeway

Council responded to NF1’s and residents requests for the design details of the replacement causeway with a “sketch” superimposed on an aerial photo, as below, but no design details. Note the three debris deflector walls on the upstream side of the causeway.

And their response to an urgent request for design details as the concrete was being poured for the culverts was to supply another sketch. This time a side view of the causeway with a car on the causeway. Note only one debris deflector wall on the upstream side.

Work is progressing on the replacement causeway but no completion date has been given by Council.

Otford Community Hall

Council told the group that runs Otford hall to remove everything from the hall ahead of its refurbishment, due to start late last year. Council did an inspection and found white-ant damage,

so the hall has to be totally replaced. 12 months on, Otford residents have not had any engagement from Council about a replacement hall.

Helensburgh Park Crown Land Plan of Management

This is the area including the sports fields, swimming pool, Charles Harper Park. On-the-ground community engagement has been a Council officer attending NF1 and two kiosks in the park. More is needed for such a critical plan.

New Community Centre and Library

Council has decided where a new combined Community Centre and Library is going to be placed. Existing centre out due to water problems; land blocks next to existing library are in a flame zone (yet retail and residential multi-storey build may be permitted). What other sites have Council considered? We don’t know as they won’t tell us.

Blocks of land next to Library

A snake haven as no maintenance is being done.

Curb and gutters with developments

Council said, “There is no current formal policy or standard that requires kerb and gutter to be installed for new developments, so it is not applied as a blanket rule, rather it is assessed on a case by case basis.” So decisions are made by Council staff as to whether a developer has to install curb and guttering and footpath. This needs to be addressed by Council so the community has a standard to expect and to close a possible loophole for a developer.

Items raised by NF1 members

Other Items raised by NF1 members

  • Speed Limit of 50kph between roundabouts on Princes Highway – no response from Council
  • Failure to provide commitment that blocks of land next to library will remain for community use (Community Centre Library, green space and parking)
  • Failure to purchase lane at Stanwell Tops that Council has granted rights of way over.
  • Parkes St road works without any advice to residents.
  • Failure to carryout court orders for years – 750 Princes Highway
  • Failure to uphold DA Conditions – Bus depot Walker St (many times)
  • Failure to enforce DA Conditions – motor bike track rear of 159 Walker St
  • Failure to enforce zoning restrictions on lands – 1 Bains Place, 171 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Cemetery Rd, 206 Parkes St.
  • Failure to repair road / footpath Walker St / Whitty Rd – leaving unsafe footpath and roadway.
  • Failure to protect heritage stone curb in Walker St
  • Failure to enforce pedestrian access along Walker St

Next NF1 meeting: Nov 8, 7pm at Otford Hall

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