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Learn, Laugh, Live with Shellharbour City U3A

Card games, Tai Chi, ukulele classes, photography, and a lot of fun – Shellharbour City University of the Third Age (U3A) is back in full swing for 2025.

Shellharbour City U3A is a local community group that promotes life-long learning aimed at people who are retired or semi-retired. It has grown to more than 300 members since it started in 2003, with even more people expected to join in 2025.

In keeping with their motto ‘Learn, Laugh, Live’, the not-for-profit group shares knowledge, skills and interests through a busy event calendar featuring talks, courses, activities and excursions.

Shellharbour City U3A members meet every Tuesday afternoon during school terms at Oak Flats Neighbourhood Centre from 2-4pm.

President Kevin Fuller says there are many talks organised for this year on interesting subjects, such as the ‘United Nations Treaty Negotiations’, ‘Rethinking Wellbeing’, ‘Reflections of a Country Nurse’ and ‘1797 – an Epic Voyage’, to name a few.

Social activities include Mahjong, Bridge, ukulele classes, day excursions, trivia and more.

Last year, the group saw shows at The Roo Theatre, visited Cockatoo Island, had high tea at a local club, visited ANSTO (Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) and hosted art classes. This year, the group’s annual holiday in November will be to the Hunter Valley to see the Christmas lights and displays.

Contact U3A president Kevin Fuller on 0413 302 330. Email the secretary: shellu3a.sec@gmail.com or visit www.sites.google.com/view/shellharbourcityu3a