In 1969, the Helensburgh War Memorial Swimming Pool was opened and dedicated as a War Memorial on the 6 December. The pool was opened as a memorial to the people who sacrificed their lives during World War II.
It was reported in The Helensburgh News in 1969 that about 200 adults and scores of excited children from all parts of the Helensburgh District attended the opening by the mayor of Wollongong, Ald E Ford. Helensburgh may have not got an Olympic size pool but 50 years have proved its purpose when it was one of the first War Memorial sites in the district for services as well as great water sports for the district schools.
At Remembrance Day on the 11th of November 2022 we should remember these brave souls that gave all for country. Listed are the known names of those who died in WWII from the district recorded by the Helensburgh & District Historical Society.
BELL, Mervyn Colin (NX34074)
BISHOP, John Archer (NX83170)
COOK, William Henry (NX34221)
COX, Dr Frederick Henry (Warden)
CRAIG, David Hopeto(u)n (NZ15657)
CRAIG, Sr Marie Eileen (501399)
DWYER, Albert Sidney (NX58890)
FLETCHER, Albert Ernest (NX23409)
FLETCHER, John Wills (NX31289)
FREW, Robert Gordon (417771)
HOTCHIS, George Stewart (413386)
HURRY, Ernest Edmond (NX37334)
HYDE, Arthur Harold (NX50408)
JORGENSEN, Leslie Hunter (Q137511)
LUCK, John Douglas (NX17831)
MANNERS, Seth Tilstone (403142)
MARTIN, Ian Erington (422221)
MCAULIFFE, William Russell (NX11529) & (RAF42470)
MCLACHLAN, Thomas David (NX55072)
MOORE, Arthur (N256103)
MULHOLLAND, Norman George (RAF34098)
OLIVER, Norbert Charles (RAN16729)
SAUNDERS, Ronald (NX77803)
SELLAR, William Lambeth (NX88650)
SHAW, Mervyn David (NX53747)
SMITH, Albert (QX38259)
STUBBS, William Joseph (NX85178)
TIDESWELL, Harry (NX125098)
TOON, David Jackson (N255454)
WEEKS, Richard (NX6397)
WILLISCROFT, Albert Archibald (NX169917)
Rest in peace.
Remembrance Day in Helensburgh
Please gather on 11 of November 2022 at 10:45am at the War Memorial at Charles Harper Park. Everyone is invited to attend.
For more information about how you can take part in Remembrance Day activities or donate to the Poppy Appeal, visit