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2 min read
Honour for Austi Scout

By Fiona Purcell, 1st Austinmer Scout Group Secretary

After 13 years in the scouting movement, a pandemic-sized hurdle and a “very muddy” adventure, Austinmer Rover Scout Laura Kierse has been awarded by the NSW Governor with the youth organisation’s highest honour.

Laura, 27, has been presented her Baden-Powell (BP) Scout Award at Government House by Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley.

Austinmer Rover Scout Laura Kierse and Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley

Laura accomplished an enormous amount to earn the award. For starters, she sewed 100 reusable face masks for people in need and also planned, fundraised and executed a DIY refurbishment of the Rover Scout meeting room.

Laura also became the Assistant Leader for Austinmer’s Venturer Scout section, leading the group of 14- to 17-year-olds on activities like abseiling, caving, kayaking and snow-shoeing.

But Laura’s stand-out project towards her award was planning and leading a seven-day, bucket-list adventure along Victoria’s Great Ocean Walk with five Rover Scout friends. The 100-kilometre journey from Apollo Bay to the Twelve Apostles was made more challenging by rain in the lead-up.

“It went well overall, but it was very, very muddy,” Laura said.

“There were lots of hills that were made much more difficult by slippery clay mud.

“I definitely ended up on my butt – there’s video of me sliding down at least 10 metres of the track!”

Laura said the highlight was seeing the Twelve Apostles for the first time after wanting to the sea stacks since she was a child.

“There came a point where we could just see them in the distance. We’d walk along the clifftops and then some points you’d get a clearer view – that was really cool,” she said.

“When I got the first glimpse of them it was like, ‘Ooh, finally!’”

Despite Laura completing her BP Award and finishing as a Rover Scout, she is continuing in her role as Assistant Venturer Leader at Austinmer. She urges local teens to try it out, particularly if they love adventure and are keen to make new mates.

“Scouting is what you make it. It’s what the youth want it to be,” she said.

“I’ve met some of my closest friends through Scouts.”

Austinmer Venturer Scouts meet 6.30-9pm each Monday during school term and new members and parent helpers are welcome. Facebook @AustiScouts