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2 min read
Fun and friendship in retirement with Thirroul Probus Club

By Marion Cook, Thirroul Probus publicity officer

Probus provides retirees with the opportunity to connect socially, which is so important in today’s world.

Membership is open to anyone who is retired or semi-retired, so why not join the tens of thousands of Probus members across Australia and New Zealand and find your local Probus Club today.

Probus Clubs offer a range of activities including trips and outings for members to enjoy, depending on their interests, lifestyle and location. Probus Club members meet monthly, to enjoy the company of like-minded fellow retirees and listen to interesting guest speakers.

Make new friends, learn a new skill, explore new interests and hobbies - there is so much to choose from when you become a member of your local Probus Club.

Our Community celebrated the inaugural Probus Day on 1 October 2020 – in line with the United Nations Day of Older Persons, which is recognised worldwide. In 2021 and 2022, Australia and New Zealand celebrations of Probus Day grew, with our communities and media recognising the important role Probus serves.

Probus Clubs held a wide range of special events to showcase and rejoice everything their Clubs mean to them. Monthly meetings became a festival of blue and gold, Probus Clubs took to their local parks, stadiums and public spaces for the jubilee. Landmarks across Australia and New Zealand were lit-up in Probus colours of blue and yellow and it has become clear that one day a year is just not enough to celebrate all that Probus does.

With that in mind, 2023 is the first year we celebrated Probus Month.

Thirroul Probus Club celebrated Probus Day on October 9 at Thirroul Sport and Recreation Club with the regular meeting and a day of fun with 91 members attending and participating in an introduction to Line dancing and a game of barefoot bowls.

For any enquiries, please contact  thirroulprobus@gmail.com

Lunch at TwentyTwenty

Lunch news

A wonderful day’s lunch yesterday at the TAFE NSW TwentyTwenty Restaurant at Wollongong TAFE.

The restaurant operates to give experience to students undertaking Cert 111  in hospitality as well as students in Cert 111 in Commercial Cookery.

32 Thirroul Probus members were served alternate drops with entree, main and dessert. Wines and mocktails included as well as tea and coffee.

Great fine dining menu, good company and wonderful hosts. Definitely worth looking at for a future lunch or dinner.

Bookings essential, twentytwenty.restaurant@tafensw.edu.au