© 2025 The Illawarra Flame
2 min read
Sources of inspiration

Next month Thirroul painter Christine Hill will be one of 20 artists opening their studios for the inaugural Northern Illawarra Art Trail. Studios will be open from 10am-3pm on the weekend of 19 and 20 November 2022. There are no entry costs and details can be found on the NIAT website at niarttrail.com 

Christine shared a few of her favourite places and the paintings they've inspired.

1. Thirroul Beach, seawater swimming pool and kiosk

Here you can swim long laps or take your little ones to the small pool, then relax at the next-door café – it’s totally perfect!

2. Minnamurra Headland

The best! A gentle stroll from the railway station to a wide, grassy headland atop one of the region’s spectacular basalt cliffs. The view from the cliffs of the river estuary, surf, beach, island, sun and sky is a great favourite of mine.

3. Clifton School of Arts

A beautiful century-old building overlooking the wide ocean from the Royal National Park to the far south. A remnant of the once-thriving mining community, it is now fabulously refurbished and offers a great venue for artistic and social events! .

4. Forest Path

To wander along the forest paths and fire-trails of the escarpment slopes above Thirroul is to enter another world. It’s a wonderful experience to climb up and stand beside the buttressed roots of a giant fig-tree and admire the sunlight glancing through the trees into the deep fern-lined gullies. Very good for the soul!

5. Surf Carnival

What colour, noise and excitement! When the surf club’s Inflatable Rescue Boats have their annual competition with teams from around Australia, it’s an excitement not to be missed.

6. Poverty Pool, Scarborough

Walk north, and walk some more, from Wombarra Beach pool to this rock pool. Sometimes filled with sand, but a beautiful place far from the crowds.

7. The Train Journey

Can’t be beaten! I love the trip along the coastline – even past the derelict cokeworks at Coalcliff which is slowly being resumed by the forest – and then the splendour of
Stanwell Park and the railway viaduct across the valley beyond.

About the artist

Christine Hill has been painting the maritime world since the early 1970s. Pittwater and the seaside lifestyle of Sydney’s Northern Beaches were her inspiration for many years, now she lives on the NSW South Coast where the cliffs and harbours, forests and beaches also feature in her work. Another interesting part of her art practice is working from life – sketching and painting ‘en plein air’. Although the outdoors can create some tiresome conditions, she says that often the results of a quick sketch please her more than a painting that takes a week!

Visit www.christine-hill.com

This article is an extract from the Flame's South Coaster guide (published December 2020, $19.99 in our online store, with free local delivery) 

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