Theatre goers, get your togs on. To tackle human denial and our ability to ignore the rising water amid the climate crisis, Dire Theatre Company is setting up a big blue portable stunt for their satirical new show, Don’t Piss in the Pool, which opens at the Forge this Friday.
“The idea for Don’t Piss in the Pool came from a mix of frustration, fascination, and a deep love of satire,” says Adam O’Brien, artistic director of Dire Theatre Co.
“We wanted to create a show that captures the absurdity of the world we’re living in – how rules, warnings, and even disasters are ignored until it’s too late. The phrase itself is a simple, almost childish rule, but it speaks to a bigger truth: people don’t always act in their best interest, even when the consequences are obvious.
“Structurally, the show took shape as a series of vignettes that span comedy and tragedy, allowing us to explore different perspectives and tones. Some moments are hilariously ridiculous, others are painfully real, but they all circle back to the same idea – when the water rises, we all have to swim in the mess we’ve made.
"And, of course, we thought, why not take it one step further? Let’s build a pool in the space and invite the audience to dive in – literally.”
Audience members may watch the show from the pool to “fully immerse themselves” in the experience. Regular seats are also available.
Thanks to Adam for taking the time to tell us more.

To start, please tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm a writer, performer, and theatre maker based in the Illawarra. I am also the manager operator of The Forge, our region's most artist accessible creative space. I studied performance at Charles Sturt University where I received both my Bachelor in Performance for Stage and Screen and my Masters of Creative Practice degree. I am an enormous advocate for the development of professional independent artists and support for independent arts in our region with a goal to create a sustainable performance based industry in the Illawarra.
I am also the founder and general manager of The Dire Theatre Company, the Illawarra's most prolific semi-professional performance collective. The Dire Theatre is a company that champions the creation of original works and using performance as a tool to incite discussions around social change.
I have created several projects under The Dire that live up to the mission, such as our Shakespeare in Schools incursion project, where low socioeconomic schools can see performances of curriculum mandated texts at a discounted rate; The SHEkespeare Project, which is a female-led initiative that provides female and female identifying people the opportunity to lead and perform in projects otherwise unavailable to them; and The Gordon Streek Drop in Library, a library I have built at The Forge with over a thousand books, scripts, and art reference books that are available to the public, as well as several other programs.
I am a life-long lover of performance and accessible art and believe that our region is an untapped resource of creative power.
Why is it time to mix absurd humour and climate change on stage?
Because reality is already absurd. Climate change is one of the biggest existential threats we face, yet the world’s response is often ridiculous – governments debating while disasters escalate, corporations greenwashing instead of changing, billionaires planning to escape to Mars. It’s darkly funny in the worst possible way.
Theatre has always been a space to reflect society back at itself, and Don’t Piss in the Pool uses absurd humour to cut through the noise. Comedy disarms people, making it easier to engage with difficult topics.
When you’re laughing, you’re listening. And when the absurdity fades into something more real, the impact lingers. This show isn’t about doom and gloom; it’s about the ridiculousness of ignoring a problem that’s already lapping at our feet.
What can audiences expect?
Don’t Piss in the Pool features a dynamic cast of local professional and semi-professional performers from many different walks of creative life. The cast is: Adam O'Brien, Feargus Manning, Bryson Grenfell, Brandon Fairly, Isabelle Rienits, Rachel Rienits, Davis Rienits.
Audiences can expect a wild ride through seven vignettes that swing between comedy and tragedy – sometimes in the same breath. It’s satirical, thought-provoking, and at times completely unhinged. With a pool built into the space and the option for audience members to bring their swimmers and watch from the water, this is an immersive experience like no other. Expect big laughs, sharp social commentary, and a few moments that might just catch you off guard.

What are the practical realities of putting a portable pool in a theatre?
Putting a pool in a theatre is equal parts ambition and chaos. The practical realities range from the obvious – ensuring it doesn’t leak, maintaining water hygiene, and making sure no one slips and breaks a leg – to the unexpected, like figuring out how sound and lighting interact with a giant body of water.
Logistically, we had to consider weight distribution, drainage, and safety regulations while still keeping the space functional for both performers and audiences. The pool itself isn’t just a gimmick – it’s a central part of the show, so we had to make sure it works theatrically as well as practically.
And then there’s the audience! Inviting people to bring their swimmers and watch from the water means we’ve had to think about everything from towel accessibility to what happens if someone does a cannonball mid-scene.
How much water does the pool hold? Will you refill it with fresh water each night and what will you do to offset the environmental cost?
The pool holds roughly 14,000 litres of water, but we’re mindful of the environmental impact. Since Don’t Piss in the Pool runs for only two nights, we won’t be refilling it each night. Instead, the water is treated for hygiene purposes and the majority will be retained after the show to be repurposed as grey water for the venue.
To further offset the environmental cost, we’ve also updated our entire lighting rig to utilise LED stage lights (used for the first time in this show!), which consume significantly less power than traditional lamps. Sustainability is an ongoing priority for us, and we’re always looking for ways to make our productions as environmentally responsible as possible.
What do you hope the play will achieve?
We hope Don’t Piss in the Pool gets people thinking, laughing, and maybe just a little bit uncomfortable. Climate change is a massive, overwhelming issue, and it’s easy to feel powerless in the face of it. But theatre has the power to cut through apathy – especially when it’s absurd, satirical, and unafraid to poke fun at the ridiculousness of our situation.
At the very least, we want audiences to have a great time. But if they leave the show questioning their own choices, recognising the absurdity of inaction, or even just talking about climate change in a new way, then we’ve done our job.
And if they leave thinking twice before pissing in the proverbial (or literal) pool? Even better.
Don't Piss in the Pool opens on Friday, February 28 at the Forge, tickets via Humanitix